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意昂4招商 - 意昂4招商


     教育背景🏯:2006-2010年 陜西師範大學  理學學士

                         2010-2017年 北京師範大學  理學博士

                         2017-2019年 北京大學  心理學博士後


     講授課程:意昂4招商  心理學導論(雙語)


1. Sun, M.R.1, Wang, E.C.1, Tao, Y., Huang, J., Sun, L., Ding, Y.L., Song, Y.*, 2018. Attentional selection and suppression in children and adults. Developmental Sciencee12684.

2. Wang, E.C.1, Sun, M.R.1, Tao, Y., Gao, X.Y., Guo, J.L., Zhao, C.G., Li, H., Qian, Q.J., Wu, Z.L., Wang, Y.F., Sun, L*., Song, Y.*, 2017. Attentional selection predicts rapid automatized naming ability in Chinese-speaking children with ADHD. Scientific Reports7,939.

3. Sun, M.R.1, Huang, J.1, Wang, F.1, An, A., Tian, F.H., Liu, H.L., Niu, H.J., Song, Y.*,2013. Quantitative comparison of hemodynamic activation elicited by cardinal and oblique gratings with functional near-infrared spectroscopy. NeuroReport7, 354-358.

4. An, A.1, Sun, M.R.1, Wang, Y., Wang, F., Ding, Y.L., Song, Y.*, 2012. The N2pc is increased by perceptual learning but is unnecessary for the transfer of learning. PLoS One7, e34826.

5. Wang, E.C., Sun, L., Sun, M.R., Huang, J., Tao, Y., Zhao, X.X., Wu, Z.L., Ding, Y.L., Newman D.P., Bellgrove M.A., Wang Y.F., Song, Y.*, 2016.Attentional selection and suppression in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Biol. Psychiatry: CNNI1,372–380.

6. Yang, B., Ma, X.L., Schweinhart, A.M., Wang, F., Sun, M.R., Song, Y.*,2012. Comparison of event-related potentials elicited by cardinal and oblique orientations with broad-band noise stimuli. Vision Research65, 95-100,

7. 孫美榮🍱🙃,王芳,安安💃,等. 45-6°頭低位臥床對視覺搜索能力的影響. 航天醫學與醫學工程,2012.

🤤:1共同一作; *通訊作者。


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